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Life is a progressive drama where choices and consequences shape us to be who we are. Hope often fades when the circumstances of our life are not what we expected them to be. But, if we choose to: Capture our thoughts, confront in truth and communicate in love, nothing is impossible!

This is my story of ‘one moment in time’ that changed my life forever! A journey of significant choices made while enduring struggle, loss and suffering, through twelve years of debilitating chronic sickness, emotional pain and wheelchair dependency, that caused momentary depths of despair and nearly took my life.

It is a journey from Pain to Peace, Guilt to Grace, Fear to Faith, Hurt to Hope and from Confusion to Clarity.



‘HOPE’ for better things to come, making healthier choices and claiming victory in and through all things.

Be ‘ENCOURAGED’ to believe for the best that is yet to come, no matter what life holds.


'ENDURE' and embrace adversity with courage, to overcome!




Pain that was released in Power!

Promises fulfilled that gave way to Freedom!

Purpose discovered that will be lived out for eternity, as Grace has been ‘RELEASED TO ROAR!’

Available now on Amazon and in all major bookstores.

Price: Paperback £12.99   Kindle £6.95   Hard Cover £21.99


Also available through direct sale from this website £10 + £2 postage and packing (UK only)

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars A truly inspiring read...

By Amazon Customer on 17 September 2017


This is such a beautiful and inspiring book - one not to be missed! Grace tells her story with such honesty and detail that she makes you feel as though you are re-living her journey with her. In this time of hurt, crime, technology and alienation, it is such an encouragement to read that miracles do still happen if we only have faith. We are also reminded that it is our choices, not our circumstances, that really matter. Whether you are a Christian or not, I do not doubt that you will gain a great deal from reading this book. You will not regret buying it!!

Brenda Haire

5.0 out of 5 star Contagious Faith!

20 December 2017 - Published on


Wow! I had the opportunity to meet the author at a conference! Her very presence was a gift. Her light shines so bright. After reading her story, I was left with my mouth hanging open! What an incredible journey of faith and perseverance. I am honoured to have read this life changing story and to have met Grace. This book is a must read for all believers! Stir your faith. If you are struggling or not sure about God, read this! It will show you that He is real and will show up in your life!!! Thank you, Grace for sharing your story with the world! What a gift you are!

Joan L. Turley

5.0 out of 5 stars This is a story of comeback!

25 August 2017 - Published on


This book is a story of COMEBACK! Faced with a slow and debilitating heath issue (I'm talking years of decline) that left Grace wheelchair bound and with few communicative skills, Grace became a living of example of the sustaining GRACE of GOD to hold on to His hand and believe that He keeps His promises even when our life circumstances look hopeless. I gotta tell ya...I cried my way through this book; because, I met Grace a year ago - I met her after the COMEBACK and had I not met her and seen her standing, laughing, smiling, fully engaged with every person she met...I might not have believed that stories like this still happen today. If you are facing impossible odds and are needing hope to hang on....this is the book for you!

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