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YOUR SECRET NAME - 5 Week Journey


Discovering Who God Created You to Be


We all have a Secret Name – the Bible tells us so. Yet few of us know who we are.

Unknowingly, we are all stuck.

We are all caught up in the ‘Name Game.’


The YOUR SECRET NAME - 5 Week Journey enables you to identify and challenge how the world labels you, and gives you a desire to discover your true identity.


It is time to stop pretending to be someone that you are not.


It is time to remove your masks.


It is time to stop living up to everyone else’s expectations.


It is time to understand, and then begin to walk in your true identity.


As you participate in the YOUR SECRET NAME - 5 Week Journey, you will find the courage to abandon what you have been led to believe, in order to become who you were really born to be.


How do you see yourself?


How many times have you asked yourself, ‘Who am I?’


Would you like to discover who you were truly created to be, reset your self image set-point, and be enabled to step into all that you truly want out of life?


Then the YOUR SECRET NAME - 5 Week Journey is just for you!



I genuinely cannot recommend Grace and the Your Secret Name course enough. From the very first session, Grace guided me through insights that stirred my spirit and mind in a way that I had never experienced before, shedding light on the lies and labels I had internalised over the course of my life. It is an emotional experience, but that is because the course reaches to the very depths and roots of ourselves so that we can tackle obstacles head-on rather than continue to bury them. The process is overwhelmingly cathartic and freeing. Grace is approachable, patient and non-judgemental; she offers a safe and nurturing context in which you can unravel your identity once and for all. If you choose to enter this coaching experience from a place of honesty, you will be amazed by the level of insight and freedom you will receive in return. I feel thoroughly refreshed and empowered from the inside out. Your Secret Name is a zero-risk investment in yourself and your future.


Emily Kate Chester BA (Hons) MA Ed



I would thoroughly recommend Grace and the “Your Secret Name” course. Grace helped facilitate my journey towards discovering more about who I am and who God created me to be.

Grace provided a safe and confidential space in which to explore emerging issues in a sensitive and non-judgmental way.  There were some emotional moments as past hurts and pain were identified, and Grace ministered sensitively and appropriately at all times throughout the course.

This course helped me break down some walls of self-protection, throw away some false masks, walk in greater freedom and gain in confidence in my identity as a daughter of God. Throughout it all, Grace was empathic , transparent and professional in her approach.


Pauline Bye BSc (Hons) Counselling;     Registered Member MBACP (Accred) 

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