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MISSION outreach



My mission heart is to enable people by faith, encourage people through love, and equip people to stand in the name of Jesus Christ.





My vision is to see people transformed and choosing to follow Jesus Christ, return to their first love for Jesus Christ and become all they can be in the name of Jesus Christ, so that they can go and do likewise!


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20


What Is Mission?


In the Lord’s Prayer it says……'Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven….'


Jesus always saw the end from the beginning


As a missionary I yield to the authority of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of His living Word - the Holy Bible.

I have compassion for lost people and I am committed to telling the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ and raising up disciples throughout the world.


Jesus went out of His way to connect with people


As a missionary it is important to go wherever God invites us to go. As I cross boundaries geographically, in culture, in language, in economic difference and in social diversity I will connect with non-Christians and seek out those who are willing to respond to God’s invitation.


Jesus freely shared the gospel message


As a missionary I will freely declare the good news of Jesus and encourage people in their understanding, raising up disciples to spread the gospel in their own communities.


Jesus trained up people as His disciples


As a missionary I commit to lead people to faith in Jesus and see them baptised, gifted in the Holy Spirit, have understanding of obedience to Jesus’ commands and encourage them to share their faith with other people.


Jesus united communities together


As a missionary I encourage followers of Jesus to meet together regularly so they may be encouraged in transformation change of their behaviour, share Holy Communion and Biblical teaching, and learn to love others, serve others and share in witness to others. As they contribute in money, prayer and witness their community will grow together in faith as they take the truth of Jesus to others.


Jesus multiplied His workers


As a missionary I will encourage others in mission outreach to the unsaved communities of the world so that the gospel will continue to be shared.

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